Facing An Electronics Parts Shortage? Learn How We’re Helping Our Customers

Who would have imagined we would be here? What started with a shortage of toilet paper and diapers, has led to polymers and semiconductors. 

As a business leader and an electronics manufacturing company, we feel your pain.

Not having access to the right components literally stops the ability to generate cash flow, and sometimes, even stay in business. 

According to EPS News:

In 2001, there was so much excess component inventory in the supply chain that more than $13 billion worth of semiconductors alone was written down or off by component makers, distributors and customers. People still wince at the memory.

In 2021, there’s such a severe shortage of semiconductors that the automotive industry is set to lose more than $100 billion in sales because it can’t get chips. “Desperation” is a term that’s been kicked around.

“For two decades the electronics supply chain has been minimizing the level of inventory in its pipeline via just-in-time (JIT), build-to-order (BTO) and lean. The goal is delivering the “right amount” of components to manufacturing lines just as they are needed. These parameters are determined by end-customers, largely OEMs and EMS providers.

Forecasting in the electronics industry is notoriously bad.

“The first time I get an accurate customer forecast will be the only time I get an accurate customer forecast,” one chip maker recently said. When demand for electronics skyrocketed at the beginning of the year, no one was prepared. The current chip shortage is expected to last well into 2022.

The pandemic shut down a lot of channels for bulk electronic components. This often left manufacturers with half-finished products and stalled capacity. 

The good news? 

If you’re looking for a way to get back into production and start cash flowing, or even save the business, Amtech can help. As a custom electronics manufacturer, we’ve been able to take programs that were dead in the water and have gotten them successfully back into production.

Even when we can’t help directly, we’ve combined our 20 years of business experience, vast network of suppliers, and technical capabilities, to make the right introduction to help you solve your electronics components problems. 

During this global semiconductor shortage, it may sound too good to be true, but really what’s the risk compared to the reward? The payoff could be huge. If you’re interested in seeing if you’re a good fit, fill out your information via our intake form and we’ll share our proven process and begin the next steps. And at the end of the day, we hope to be an ally in your success.

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