Our customers come to us looking for solutions to their most challenging manufacturing issues. And we always deliver. Read below to learn about some of them.
Problems We’ve Solved

- Challenge: A customer created a device that they believed would allow them to expand to completely new market segments and dramatically increase their revenue. But doing so meant taking a small production line and expand it exponentially. When their current partner couldn’t scale, they asked Amtech for help.
- Solution: Amtech started by reviewing the product specifications to understand everything that would be required to achieve a replicable and scalable process, including hand-assembling individual units to determine any potential manufacturing roadblocks. Through regular meetings and product review, Amtech outlined the entire development process and made recommendations to the customer on how to modify the device and manufacturing process in order to make it easier to build without sacrificing the integrity of the product.
- Results: Partnering together, the two companies ultimately crafted a process that would allow Amtech’s to customize their agile manufacturing line and deliver the desired quantity on a regular schedule.
- Challenge: When this customer’s primary manufacturing partner went out of business, they needed a new partner who shared their values and could help them continue to grow. Amtech was the perfect choice.
- Solution: As Amtech learned about the manufacturing needs of the customer, we were able to recommend re-engineering solutions. By incorporating these recommendations into product design, the overall manufacturing cost decreased. This not only increase profitability without raising prices, but it also allowed them to invest more into R&D.
- Results: Amtech grew with this customer to support additional products over a 20-year stretch. And we remained a trusted partner with opportunities to further expand our partnership when the company was acquired.

- Challenge: A customer’s respirator protective equipment became critical during the peak of the COVID- 19 pandemic. But they faced supply chain and personnel issues when it came to manufacturing.
- Solution: Amtech quickly devised a solution to get them up and running in a matter of weeks. When supply chain challenges presented problems, Amtech was able to help modify engineering and source alternate suppliers. When shutdowns and illnesses prevented workers on lines at other locations, Amtech was safely able to modify their operation to ensure everyone was able to get to work and stay healthy – resulting in zero “line-down” incidents throughout the pandemic.
- Results: The customer became a market leader and grew their business, while Amtech became the trusted partner for the entire organization.
- Challenge: As their company grew, it was taking longer and longer for this electronics testing company to develop new products and get them to the market. They needed a reliable and responsive parter. So they called Amtech.
- Solution: Amtech knew that communication was going to be the key in solving the challenges this customer faced. So they conducted a full audit of the entire process and dug deep into the client’s business model. Together the two brainstormed ways to take advantage of Amtech’s proprietary operating system (AmtechOS) and agile production line.
- Results: The two companies continue to grow together by consistently innovating and speeding up the time it takes for every product line to go from idea to prototype to implementation.